Special Deals
MulchCo Ltd. provides mulching and subsoiling services that effectively, economically and environmentally dispose of unwanted tree growth. We also offer an aerial forestry tree trimming truck, chipping, stump grinding, mowing, powersaw cutting, dozer work, logging, milling, and custom hauling of equipment and gravel.
Our in house trucking, service trucks, mobile parts trailers, heavy duty mechanics on staff also compliment the services we offer. We take extreme pride in our work, therefore, our goal is to ensure maximum efficiency in the field, with little to no downtime for our customers.
MulchCo Ltd. has Bron, Tigercat and Cat mulching machines. With their low ground pressure and wide tracks, we are able to go most anywhere you need, and we can take down any size of standing tree. We provide land clearing on right of ways for pipelines and electrical lines, for commercial development, agricultural fenceline/pastures or bush clearing, or recreational trails. If you have a treed lot and need a site cleared to build your home, or just anywhere you need trees cleared, we can help. We also do slashing (we carry chainsaws in all machines to take care of danger trees or just brush that’s too close to anything to mulch it) so the trees are entirely cleared from your area.
Residential/Commercial Tree Removal
​MulchCo Ltd. has an ISA Certified Utility Tree Trimmer on staff. This enables us to use our aerial forestry tree trimming truck with a 70’ reach to do utility work around powerlines. We also have a chipper (that can handle 12” capacity) and a stump grinder on tracks. Your unwanted trees can be totally removed by us. If the trees we are removing are salvageable, we will bring them home to process them, so there’s no wasting good wood.
Custom Gravel Hauling and Lowbedding
We also offer custom gravel hauling with our tridem bellydump, and custom lowbedding with our 53’ tridem trailers. We also have a jeep available.
Service Trucks
​At MulchCo Ltd. our service trucks are all 4 x 4’s, equipped with tools and fuel service.
Subsoiling or rotovating is similar to rototilling. This is a type of head we have for our machines, that goes into the ground up to 18” to further grind up the stumps and root matter remaining after mulching. After this step, your soil is pretty much ready for planting.
Dozer Work
Using our dozer is another option for anyone wanting to clear trees from specific areas. We piled these trees for a farmer on the already cultivated land with the dozer, then went in with the mulcher and mulched the stumps left, finishing off with the subsoiler to grind up all existing root matter. That next spring he seeded the area where we mulched and subsoiled, leaving the pile of trees to burn in the winter. This is a very cost effective way of doing it. We are always doing our best to figure out new ways of being more efficient for our clients.
Horizontal Grinding Services
We offer horizontal grinding services for railroad ties, whole trees, pallets, storm debris, shingles, logs, mulch, stumps & rubber. Our grinders are all equipped with a head and cross magnet to separate metal debris.
Skidsteer and Attachments
Our CAT Skidsteer is on rubber tracks and has low ground pressure. This enables us to come in to the job and not rut up the ground. The attachments we have for this machine are: a mulching head, rototiller, power box rake, mower deck, a 10’ blade, bucket, auger drill bits, or a bucket.
Contact Randy today to disucss your project!
780 - 918 - 3077